Laura Phillips
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Private Consulting Application
Private Consulting Application Form
" indicates required fields
Your full name
Your email address
Your contact telephone number (including country code)
Your website
Tell me a little bit about your business
And what stage of business are you at?
I don’t have a business yet
Newbie/just starting out (Under a year)
Established (1-3 years)
Seasoned pro! (3 years+)
What is the offer or service that you want to launch?
What revenue did you generate in your last launch?
What revenue do you want to generate in your next launch?
What is your marketing budget for your launch?
Tell me about why you’re interested in our private consulting service - what do you want to achieve by working together?
Have you worked with a launch consultant before? If yes, what was your experience?
Finally, how did you hear about us? We’d love to know who (or what) brought you into our world!